'Trick-or-Treat' !!
BOO !!
BOO !!!
Notice my very bad drawings on the chalkboard. Never claimed i was an artist.
Notice my very bad drawings on the chalkboard. Never claimed i was an artist.
Returned to Devesel for kids 5th grade to 8th grade so they can learn a little about Halloween. Today was definitely tough as I truly believed it would be difficult to be a teacher, taking a whole day of classes drained me and reaffirming my belief that teaching is hard.
After a brief explanation of the history of Halloween and why it is one of the more favorite holidays in America (kids and adults), it was time for them to experience it. I explained the methodology and they were ready. Since each class was pretty short, they made masks and I waited on the other side of the door, they would knock, say 'Twick ow Tweat' (as best they could), and they received candy. Sure it was only one door they got to knock on but they got the gist of it and were ready to go to America and try it for a couple of more hours. It was very hard for them to imagine all the candy they can get as long as they kept knocking on people's doors.
Return to Dudas - Oct.30
I returned to Dudas to go around the community once again without the camera or taking notes. Still remains a sad story walking through the streets. However, they seemed to remember me. This was nice as I went by myself, well, Domnul Mihai's son, Alin, met me. I learned how to get there on my own so I can visit when I have time and I was invited to have dinner with one of the family's which was in a small store which was soo nice of them but sad at the same time since they made a very nice meal (carnati de casa, eggs, salami, bread, snacks, juice and beer), but at the same time I was eating, many of the local kids would come in buying a small piece of candy and looking at the food. Sad as I wanted to give my food to them but felt I would insult the people of the store if I did especially since I was eating with some of the family. Really hoping I will be able to help somehow.