Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Kids to Presentations

Saturday 4/14/07
Volunteered to play with Kids on from two Homes (Casa Eva and Casa Austria) for kids that have no parents or place to live. It was a long but fun day with them, probably about more than 40 kids. I had one kid latch on to me all day long and literally wouldn't let me go, have bruises from him holding on. One girl, believe her name was Ana?, she was in Time magazine a couple of years ago that was found in a trash bin, pretty sad story but definitely making something of herself.

Afterwards, couple of us ended up going to Brasov since there was a festival going on. It was a ton of fun and ended up staying in a hostel that night, which is a story in itself.

Sunday 4/15/07
Spent all day in Brasov just hanging out, must say it was probably one of the best days here because it was the first day in a long time if felt like I was just hanging out with friends like back home.

Tuesday 4/17/07 and Wednesday 4/18/07
Met my counterpart that I will be working with in the next couple of years and he is very cool (working with the unemployment - National Agency of Labor).

Also gave a presentation on the Peace Corp's procedure of development (little like six sigma back at TNT). Threw in a couple of jokes in Romanian and worked out very well. Able to survive a little with the language but fortunately for me (or not), my counterpart and the staff speaks pretty good english.

I leave Thursday morning for Drobeta Turnu Severin to see where I will be working and living the next two years.

We also had to do a 90 day plan for class and I received the most creative award. Those of you who know me, know I can't help but to flowchart a process. Process started with finding shelter, food, and the basics for sustenance of life to finding the police station to start the under the table payments for protection to applying for a Romanian ID, oh and one side note that ended with 'Is anyone even reading this'. I had to make it enjoyable to do somehow.

They also had a short announcement about the Virgina Tech incident and how the teacher who tried to save many students was Romanian, it definitely affected all of us. Truly sorry to hear what happened and can only pray for all those that were affected.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Transylvania - Vlad Tepes (Dracula) and his castle

Blitzkrieg Monday in Transylvania

Beautiful Brasov Center

Brasov - Biserica Negru (Black Church)

Beautiful Carpathian

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Paste Fericit (Happy Easter)

Here are some pictures from Easter:
Catedrala Sf. Ioan din
Noi am adus lumina in casa noastra.
(We bring the light to our house.)

'Hristos A Inviat' (crack one end of an egg to another end of an egg) answer 'Adevarat a Inviat'
('Jesus is risen' answer 'Truly He has risen')

My Gazda (host) family I am staying with until May 8, 2007.

from Right to Left (Ciprian, Dana, Cornel)

After church (Sunday morning 1am)
Ouale (eggs)
Rosii (tomatoes)
Ceapa (onions)
Ridiche (radishes)
Drob de miel (lamb)
Vin de Rosu (red wine)Castrevete (cucumber)Cozonac (sweet bread not shown)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Living Conditions

My bedroom

Typical Block Housing

Monday, April 2, 2007

Habitat for Humanity

Saturday 3/31/2007 - Habitat for Humanity in Pitesti. Well the typical ditch digging Peace Corps perspective was true on this day. Literally dug through wet clay for 7 hours. It was a good day of manual labor. I will have to get some pictures and post them when I can. We were able to install the piping for the plumbing (to the sewage system) in the ground so it did feel that something was accomplished.

Peace Corps Group 22

Friday 3/30/2007
Peace Corps Group 22 Romania after finding out where we will be stationed for the next two years.
I will be located in the Mehedinti County in a town called Drobeta Turnu Severin. If I make it past swear-in (May 5th), that is where I will be.
- - All I had to take the picture out until it can get approved - - SORRY. I will send as soon as I can update or get approval. - -