Rromi (Gypsies)
- Readers Digest history:
- 1242(ish)A.D., the Mongols and Tartars (Turks) enslaved people from India.
- 1385 made their way into Romania.
- 1855 slavery was abolished.
- Rromi (as well as others) come into the office and look which jobs are available.
- They receive papers from the office to go and apply to the employer (papers and stamps are needed for everything for proof).
- They go to the employer and most of the time come back saying that they did not get the job (did they really want the job?). The employer gives the stamp of denial (or approval).
- The receive papers to work for the Primarea (county office/mayor's office) and if they work for 7 days (8hr days) they receive 180 Ron ($1 = 2.44 Ron). However, a worker that works 20/22 days a month receives 350 Ron a month. The motiviation to work those extra 13 some days is just not there. (Lower the Primarea pay or Increase the minimum wage - neither of which I have the power to do).
I'm trying to talk to other areas to learn why unemployment is so low there, more on their system and if it is similar not so much as is there work available more on the motivation of people.
So anyone have any ideas on how to motivate a certain culture that does everything not work, doesn't want to work, and doesn't want their kids to go to school? Oh here is one more curve, I'm not fluent yet so trying to speak to them would pose a small issue. Any ideas I'd be more than happy to take in, I really don't have a group where I can brainstorm, and even if I did, not sure how large of a rock I'd be able to move, but I know a majority that are reading this are very intelligent and I'm willing to give anything a go.
If you want to hear some of the stories, e-mail me, I have something prewritten and can send but note, it is pretty explicit.